In response to the statistic that only 13.7% of Washington high school students are passing the math portion of the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA), Seattle area magician Professor Philemon Vanderbeck is combining his love of magic and math to get kids excited about math. Philemon is unveiling Arithemagic, an entertaining and educational program that teaches students mathematical concepts through magical feats.
The Arithemagic program can be adapted to fit any curriculum, whether it be a one-day seminar or a week-long extended class. Students will be taught how to perform lighting addition, how to quickly solve a Sudoku puzzle, and other mathematically-based magic. Each student receives a copy of "NINE" which explains in detail all the effects shown in Arithemagic.
Philemon's fascination with math and magic stretches back to his childhood. In 1979 Philemon won the Annual High School Mathematics Examination Award. Philemon is the former President of the International Brotherhood of Magicians Northwest Ring of Fire #339. In his other life, he teaches mathematics at a local high school.

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